Friday, March 19, 2010

120 Crayon color picker

I was pointed to All 120 Crayon Names, Color Codes and Fun Facts and I found the resource quite fascinating. So I decided to improve on their presentation a little bit. After passing the tables in the page through some php I was able to generate these to reference tables. I hope someone finds it useful.

Color Family

Name Hex RGB
Mahogany CD4A4A 205,74,74
Fuzzy Wuzzy Brown CC6666 204,102,102
Chestnut BC5D58 188,93,88
Red Orange FF5349 255,83,73
Sunset Orange FD5E53 253,94,83
Bittersweet FD7C6E 253,124,110
Melon FDBCB4 253,188,180
Outrageous Orange FF6E4A 255,110,74
Vivid Tangerine FFA089 255,160,137
Burnt Sienna EA7E5D 234,126,93
Brown B4674D 180,103,77
Sepia A5694F 165,105,79
Orange FF7538 255,117,56
Burnt Orange FF7F49 255,127,73
Copper DD9475 221,148,117
Mango Tango FF8243 255,130,67
Atomic Tangerine FFA474 255,164,116
Beaver 9F8170 159,129,112
Antique Brass CD9575 205,149,117
Desert Sand EFCDB8 239,205,184
Raw Sienna D68A59 214,138,89
Tumbleweed DEAA88 222,170,136
Tan FAA76C 250,167,108
Peach FFCFAB 255,207,171
Macaroni and Cheese FFBD88 255,189,136
Apricot FDD9B5 253,217,181
Neon Carrot FFA343 255,163,67
Almond EFDBC5 239,219,197
Yellow Orange FFB653 255,182,83
Gold E7C697 231,198,151
Shadow 8A795D 138,121,93
Banana Mania FAE7B5 250,231,181
Sunglow FFCF48 255,207,72
Goldenrod FCD975 252,217,117
Dandelion FDDB6D 253,219,109
Yellow FCE883 252,232,131
Green Yellow F0E891 240,232,145
Spring Green ECEABE 236,234,190
Olive Green BAB86C 186,184,108
Laser Lemon FDFC74 253,252,116
Unmellow Yellow FDFC74 253,252,116
Canary FFFF99 255,255,153
Yellow Green C5E384 197,227,132
Inch Worm B2EC5D 178,236,93
Asparagus 87A96B 135,169,107
Granny Smith Apple A8E4A0 168,228,160
Electric Lime 1DF914 29,249,20
Screamin Green 76FF7A 118,255,122
Fern 71BC78 113,188,120
Forest Green 6DAE81 109,174,129
Sea Green 9FE2BF 159,226,191
Green 1CAC78 28,172,120
Mountain Meadow 30BA8F 48,186,143
Shamrock 45CEA2 69,206,162
Jungle Green 3BB08F 59,176,143
Caribbean Green 1CD3A2 28,211,162
Tropical Rain Forest 17806D 23,128,109
Pine Green 158078 21,128,120
Robin Egg Blue 1FCECB 31,206,203
Aquamarine 78DBE2 120,219,226
Turquoise Blue 77DDE7 119,221,231
Sky Blue 80DAEB 128,218,235
Outer Space 414A4C 65,74,76
Blue Green 199EBD 25,158,189
Pacific Blue 1CA9C9 28,169,201
Cerulean 1DACD6 29,172,214
Cornflower 9ACEEB 154,206,235
Midnight Blue 1A4876 26,72,118
Navy Blue 1974D2 25,116,210
Denim 2B6CC4 43,108,196
Blue 1F75FE 31,117,254
Periwinkle C5D0E6 197,208,230
Cadet Blue B0B7C6 176,183,198
Indigo 5D76CB 93,118,203
Wild Blue Yonder A2ADD0 162,173,208
Manatee 979AAA 151,154,170
Blue Bell ADADD6 173,173,214
Blue Violet 7366BD 115,102,189
Purple Heart 7442C8 116,66,200
Royal Purple 7851A9 120,81,169
Purple Mountains’ Majesty 9D81BA 157,129,186
Violet (Purple) 926EAE 146,110,174
Wisteria CDA4DE 205,164,222
Vivid Violet 8F509D 143,80,157
Fuchsia C364C5 195,100,197
Shocking Pink FB7EFD 251,126,253
Pink Flamingo FC74FD 252,116,253
Plum 8E4585 142,69,133
Hot Magenta FF1DCE 255,29,206
Purple Pizzazz FF1DCE 255,29,206
Razzle Dazzle Rose FF48D0 255,72,208
Orchid E6A8D7 230,168,215
Red Violet C0448F 192,68,143
Eggplant 6E5160 110,81,96
Cerise DD4492 221,68,146
Wild Strawberry FF43A4 255,67,164
Magenta F664AF 246,100,175
Lavender FCB4D5 252,180,213
Cotton Candy FFBCD9 255,188,217
Violet Red F75394 247,83,148
Carnation Pink FFAACC 255,170,204
Razzmatazz E3256B 227,37,107
Piggy Pink FDD7E4 253,215,228
Jazzberry Jam CA3767 202,55,103
Blush DE5D83 222,93,131
Tickle Me Pink FC89AC 252,137,172
Pink Sherbet F780A1 247,128,161
Maroon C8385A 200,56,90
Red EE204D 238,32,77
Radical Red FF496C 255,73,108
Mauvelous EF98AA 239,152,170
Wild Watermelon FC6C85 252,108,133
Scarlet FC2847 252,40,71
Salmon FF9BAA 255,155,170
Brick Red CB4154 203,65,84
White EDEDED 237,237,237
Timberwolf DBD7D2 219,215,210
Silver CDC5C2 205,197,194
Gray 95918C 149,145,140
Black 232323 35,35,35

Color name

Name Hex RGB
Almond EFDBC5 239,219,197
Antique Brass CD9575 205,149,117
Apricot FDD9B5 253,217,181
Aquamarine 78DBE2 120,219,226
Asparagus 87A96B 135,169,107
Atomic Tangerine FFA474 255,164,116
Banana Mania FAE7B5 250,231,181
Beaver 9F8170 159,129,112
Bittersweet FD7C6E 253,124,110
Black 232323 35,35,35
Blue 1F75FE 31,117,254
Blue Bell ADADD6 173,173,214
Blue Green 199EBD 25,158,189
Blue Violet 7366BD 115,102,189
Blush DE5D83 222,93,131
Brick Red CB4154 203,65,84
Brown B4674D 180,103,77
Burnt Orange FF7F49 255,127,73
Burnt Sienna EA7E5D 234,126,93
Cadet Blue B0B7C6 176,183,198
Canary FFFF99 255,255,153
Caribbean Green 1CD3A2 28,211,162
Carnation Pink FFAACC 255,170,204
Cerise DD4492 221,68,146
Cerulean 1DACD6 29,172,214
Chestnut BC5D58 188,93,88
Copper DD9475 221,148,117
Cornflower 9ACEEB 154,206,235
Cotton Candy FFBCD9 255,188,217
Dandelion FDDB6D 253,219,109
Denim 2B6CC4 43,108,196
Desert Sand EFCDB8 239,205,184
Eggplant 6E5160 110,81,96
Electric Lime 1DF914 29,249,20
Fern 71BC78 113,188,120
Forest Green 6DAE81 109,174,129
Fuchsia C364C5 195,100,197
Fuzzy Wuzzy Brown CC6666 204,102,102
Gold E7C697 231,198,151
Goldenrod FCD975 252,217,117
Granny Smith Apple A8E4A0 168,228,160
Gray 95918C 149,145,140
Green 1CAC78 28,172,120
Green Yellow F0E891 240,232,145
Hot Magenta FF1DCE 255,29,206
Inch Worm B2EC5D 178,236,93
Indigo 5D76CB 93,118,203
Jazzberry Jam CA3767 202,55,103
Jungle Green 3BB08F 59,176,143
Laser Lemon FDFC74 253,252,116
Lavender FCB4D5 252,180,213
Macaroni and Cheese FFBD88 255,189,136
Magenta F664AF 246,100,175
Mahogany CD4A4A 205,74,74
Manatee 979AAA 151,154,170
Mango Tango FF8243 255,130,67
Maroon C8385A 200,56,90
Mauvelous EF98AA 239,152,170
Melon FDBCB4 253,188,180
Midnight Blue 1A4876 26,72,118
Mountain Meadow 30BA8F 48,186,143
Navy Blue 1974D2 25,116,210
Neon Carrot FFA343 255,163,67
Olive Green BAB86C 186,184,108
Orange FF7538 255,117,56
Orchid E6A8D7 230,168,215
Outer Space 414A4C 65,74,76
Outrageous Orange FF6E4A 255,110,74
Pacific Blue 1CA9C9 28,169,201
Peach FFCFAB 255,207,171
Periwinkle C5D0E6 197,208,230
Piggy Pink FDD7E4 253,215,228
Pine Green 158078 21,128,120
Pink Flamingo FC74FD 252,116,253
Pink Sherbet F780A1 247,128,161
Plum 8E4585 142,69,133
Purple Heart 7442C8 116,66,200
Purple Mountains’ Majesty 9D81BA 157,129,186
Purple Pizzazz FF1DCE 255,29,206
Radical Red FF496C 255,73,108
Raw Sienna D68A59 214,138,89
Razzle Dazzle Rose FF48D0 255,72,208
Razzmatazz E3256B 227,37,107
Red EE204D 238,32,77
Red Orange FF5349 255,83,73
Red Violet C0448F 192,68,143
Robin Egg Blue 1FCECB 31,206,203
Royal Purple 7851A9 120,81,169
Salmon FF9BAA 255,155,170
Scarlet FC2847 252,40,71
Screamin Green 76FF7A 118,255,122
Sea Green 9FE2BF 159,226,191
Sepia A5694F 165,105,79
Shadow 8A795D 138,121,93
Shamrock 45CEA2 69,206,162
Shocking Pink FB7EFD 251,126,253
Silver CDC5C2 205,197,194
Sky Blue 80DAEB 128,218,235
Spring Green ECEABE 236,234,190
Sunglow FFCF48 255,207,72
Sunset Orange FD5E53 253,94,83
Tan FAA76C 250,167,108
Tickle Me Pink FC89AC 252,137,172
Timberwolf DBD7D2 219,215,210
Tropical Rain Forest 17806D 23,128,109
Tumbleweed DEAA88 222,170,136
Turquoise Blue 77DDE7 119,221,231
Unmellow Yellow FDFC74 253,252,116
Violet (Purple) 926EAE 146,110,174
Violet Red F75394 247,83,148
Vivid Tangerine FFA089 255,160,137
Vivid Violet 8F509D 143,80,157
White EDEDED 237,237,237
Wild Blue Yonder A2ADD0 162,173,208
Wild Strawberry FF43A4 255,67,164
Wild Watermelon FC6C85 252,108,133
Wisteria CDA4DE 205,164,222
Yellow FCE883 252,232,131
Yellow Green C5E384 197,227,132
Yellow Orange FFB653 255,182,83

Friday, January 22, 2010

The Perfect Thing 01 - A padd, slate, tablet thingy

With all the talk of tablets and slates I thought I would chime in on what I would be looking for in a tablet'esqe device.  So for the next few days I am going to be updating the blog with what I would be looking for in a device, focusing on what isn't there yet in the current batch of offerings.  I will try to get it all out before the rumored apple announcement.  So, may I present to you The Perfect Thing, Episode One, A padd, slate, thingy...

What job it needs to do

I am looking for a highly portable device that I can carry with me easily. One of the reasons I like my EeePc is that it can fit in my coat pocket. A small 6 X 9 form factor would be a good place to start.

One of the primary reasons I would be using the device is as a PDF or e-book reader. The books and PDF’s that I would be most likely to use this device for would be digital versions of printed magazine sized content, or layout agnostic (novel’esqe) content. Textbooks, magazines, manuals, forms, etc. would be viewed on this device. This means that the pages won’t be uniform sized and partial to full color. The current e-ink technology does not support smooth scrolling, jumping from page slice to page slice. I need to be able to slide around the page, zoom in and out, and jump from page to page. The only way I can see for achieving that is through color LCD or OLED screens with touch capability.

I need something to take notes on. So the device will either need to have a hardware or software keyboard available. While I tend to prefer hardware keyboards, unprotected keyboards need to have high tension keys, similar to those on cell phones as opposed to computer keyboards. For something I will be typing lightly supported, either flat on a table, on a angled stand, or cradled in an arm, high tension keys would require too much support to type effectively. Software keyboards, as on the iPhone, have the problem of feedback and size. However the largest keyboard the iPhone is only 3in wide, and with a larger screen, the size issue is reduced enough that I would be comfortable typing on it.

It would have to play audio and video. I want to move everything from my iPod (music, audiobooks and podcasts) shifting the management and storage of that media out of iTunes once and for all. Plus, be able to watch Hulu streaming and possibly Netflix on demand.

This device would also require the standard suite of connectivity, wifi, usb dock, Bluetooth, and the ability to add a cellular internet card. It would need a web browser, of course, as well as a way to load connectivity applications.

As far as apps go I’ll talk about apps and OS’s in later posts. What are some of the jobs you would use a tablet’esqe device?